November 4, 2003 -- New UC 800-Toll-free Number Aids Spanish-speaking Firestorm Victims
Jul 18, 2011
November 4, 2003 New UC 800-Toll-free Number Aids Spanish-speaking Firestorm Victims RIVERSIDE-(UC) AsisTel de la UC, the new phone-based information service recently launched by the University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, now includes 29 concise messages about dealing with the aftermath of wildfires for people who are looking for information in Spanish. The messages are accessible via (800) 514-4494, a toll- free number. They deal with a wide range of topics, from important phone numbers, completing the insurance claim, to the health and emotional well-being of adults and children. “Many in the fire-ravaged communities are Latino immigrants, with limited information in Spanish to help guide their recovery,” said Myriam Grajales-Hall, Program Manager of the Spanish Broadcast and Media Services Unit based at UC Riverside. “We hope these phone messages will help fill the gap in a useful, easily accessible manner.” Recorded at the Spanish Broadcast and Media Services studio, the new AsisTel de la UC messages feature aid available through Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Red Cross, the Small Business Administration (SBA), and other local, state, and federal agencies; information on insurance coverage issues, obtaining disability and unemployment insurance, as well as home repairs and warnings about scams that tend to surface in the wake of disasters. “As part of a land-grantd university, we are committed to providingDownload (PDF)