4-H STEM Resources
San Bernardino County 4-H is partnering in STEAM. You can find information here about our Sphero Copa Tournament, events, and STEAM help. If you need STEAM help for specific projects or events, please contact me below.
Sphero Copa
Our Sphero Copa for 2025 will be held April 2-26th, 2025!!

2024 STEAM Certification
Want more help with hands on STEAM training? Join our 2024 STEAM Certification Course. This 6 course is biweekly. You can attend all six lessons or just one. You will only receive a certification by completing all six lessons.

Course 1: Guided Inquiry and Experiential Learning
Course 2: The Art of Math
Course 3: Crime Spy Science
Course 4: Environmental Education
Course 5: Scratch Code
Course 6: Kitchen Science
STEAM Resources
Here you will discover fun and educational STEM activities for all ages.
- Artificial Intelligence in Engineering - Overview of how robotics is used in engineering.
- Engineering Games and Projects - Information and activities on the many fields of engineering.
- CS First - Free computer science curriculum that makes coding easy to teach and fun to learn.
- Scratch - World's largest free coding community for kids.
- Code.org - Anyone can learn computer science.
- Creativity Lab - Project Guides on a variety of STEM activities.
- Discover 4-H - Full guides to help youth explore a variety of STEM and other topics.
- National 4-H At Home - STEM and more activities – make a robotic hand, engineer a greenhouse, make a rubber band car and more!
- McKinley County 4-H STEAM Project Club - 65 STEAM activities videos.
- Coronavirus - what is it?
- Slime art – How to make art from slime.
- Generation Genius – Access five free science or math videos for grades K - 8 without an account.
- Steve Spangler Science – Science experiments for kids.
- Pacific Science Center Curiosity at Home – Hands-on STEM activities and videos.
- Vanderbilt STEM lessons – For grades 5-8.
- GrowNextGen – STEM lessons for youth grades 5 and up.
- NEED (National Energy Education Development) – Distance learning resources focused on energy for grades K-12.
- Vernier – STEM remote learning activities.
- Crash Course Kids – Videos on a huge variety of science topics.
- 100 STEAM Projects for Educators – Hands-on STEM for all ages.
- Science Toy Maker – Make science toys and projects.
- Paper Mechatronics – Create machines with paper - tutorials and lesson plans for educators.
- The Tinkering Studio – Experiments with science, art, technology, and delightful ideas.
- Skype a Scientist - We have thousands of scientists ready to chat with your class or group!
- School Closure LEGO Masters Jr Research and Development Club – Join this Virtual LEGO club on Facebook – you can participate no matter your location!
- Snohomish STEM - STEM career exploration videos and learning resources listed by platform, grade level, and subject.
- The Exploratorium of San Francisco - Explore hands-on activities on many STEM topics. Many resources for educators.
- Best math websites - Teacher-recommended sites for math resources and games.
- IBM SkillsBuild for Students and Educators - Free digital learning for students and educators on the tech skills of tomorrow.
- Learn about Engineering- Find information on Engineering, activities, and famous engineers.