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4-H Record Books

The 4-H program has a long history of record keeping. The focus reflects the importance of this life skill in our daily lives. In 4-H, young people have tracked their activities, events, profits and losses, skill development, learning experiences, and much more using the iconic 4-H Record Book. In addition to record keeping, the 4-H Record Book gives members an opportunity to reflect on their year, measure their achievements and growth, and set goals and develop plans to meet those goals.

End of Year Awards Packet

Record Book Manuals

Need Help?

There is a manual for the 4-H Record Book. The Spark Achievement Manual has all the guidelines for the the new Spark 4-H Record Book.

2023-24 New Achievements Record Book Manual

iSprout Primary Curriculum and Book

This curriculum is designed for our clover bud members. This curriculum is it's own project. Members will complete their activities from the manual and then complete the record book that goes along with it.

iSprout Primary

Why Have a 4-H Record Book?

  • 4-H record books give members an opportunity to reflect on their yearly work. They document their skill development and their learning experiences in a written report. 4-H members measure their achievements and growth in their total years in 4-H.
  • 4-H record books encourage members to set goals, pursue strategies to meet those goals, and to shift gears in the face of challenges and obstacles. Completion of record book awards 4-H members for participation in the 4-H activities, which provides incentives for participation, learning, and achievement.
  • Completing a 4-H record book is a process where 4-H members record project and club work. Records management is a competency skill to identify, create, classify, archive, and preserve records. The 4-H record book teaches 4-H members these ills through a standard format.

Not Required for 4-H Membership

4-H record books are not required for membership or for participation in 4-H activities, such as club events and activities, or for attending 4-H camps or conferences. A 4-H record book may be required to receive participation awards (such as star rankings, medals, or pins based on 4-H record book achievements).


State 4-H Record Book Competition

The state record book competition is focused on selecting senior 4-H members who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their 4-H project work. Books are judged against standard criteria. Those books displaying the most outstanding 4-H work, goal management skills, leadership, and civic engagement development are selected as state medalists and/or state winners.