This past Monday, while bored out of my mind, I sat in my lonely apartment contemplating on what I should feed my growling stomach. I wanted to eat something healthy and refreshing at the same time--something that would cool my insides and not make me sweat in the summer heat so much. It was in this moment I remembered my mother's fresh fruit salad.
When my family and I lived in India, during scorching hot summers, my mom would make my siblings and I a fresh fruit salad that made our heart smile. Although I couldn't see it smile, I could definitely feel it. This exact feeling was the reason why I decided to browse the internet for a healthy yet fulfilling fresh fruit salad recipe which I would like to share with you all.
It's an extremely easy recipe, so it won't take too long to make, assuming you have plenty of fruit available in your kitchen. And since this is an EFNEP Fruit Blog, I assume that you all have a ton of fruit waiting to be chopped for this recipe. :) I enjoyed eating my fruit salad, I hope you all do too! If you make this recipe and have suggestions to make it a better one, please feel free to comment! I would love to hear from you all.

Serving Size: 2 Adult portions or as desired
1 cup pineapple
1 cup kiwi
1 cup blackberries
1 cup bananas, peeled and sliced in rounds
2 cup water melon balls
2 cups peaches, peeled and sliced
2 sliced strawberries
1 cup seedless white grapes
1 fresh pear, peeled and sliced
2 bananas, peeled and sliced
2 oranges, peeled and sliced
1/2 cup plain yogurt
1 teaspoon sugar
Lemon Juice
3/4 cup orange juice
Directions: Combine all fruits together. Sprinkle lemon juice over fruit while stirring. Chill fruits in a tight container for about an hour. Pour orange juice over fruits after taking container out of the refrigerator. When ready to serve, mix yogurt with sugar together in a separate bowl. Pour yogurt mixture on each serving as desired.
**That's the end of the recipe! Easy, huh? Well, why are you still reading my blog entry?! Go try it! :) Let me know if your heart smiles after eating this fresh fruit salad. Come back weekly to see more exciting innovative ways you can incorporate fruit in your eating lifestyle. :)
If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding this recipe please comment on this blog. Once again, I would love to hear from you all! :)