School and Community Garden Collaborative Quarterly Workshop was on the 17th and it was great! Did you miss it? Check out the recordings here:
Full workshop link:
Building your Soil presentation:
FIG (Friendly Inclusive Gardening) presentation with Stephen Cantu:
Seed Library in Every Community Short Introduction (Check this one out if you want to see a new program we are offering to the public, and email me if you want to be involved!):
Join us for this quarters School and Community Garden Collaborative Workshop! We are getting into our second year hosting this collaborative here in San Bernardino County and it's been great to watch it grow! There are many people throughout our large county working on school and community gardens and we wanted a way to bring them together to discuss ideas, brainstorm challenges and share success. Over the last year we have featured some amazing school garden projects and highlighted some really innovative community gardens.
This quarters workshop will feature a UCCE Master Gardener from San Diego, Stephen Cantu, who has done some amazing work in the area of accessible gardening for all. After living for many years with a mobility limiting injury, he developed what he calls the FIG program, or Friendly, Inclusive Gardening Program. Research has shown that access to gardening is so important for physical, emotional, and mental health. We want everyone to have access to gardening and Stephen Cantu will join us to talk about how to make that happen!
Our Master Gardeners will be rolling out our “Seed Library in Every Community” project to support schools and community gardens who want to start a seed library for their students and community members. In addition to just having a supply of seeds at your site we will also teach the community all about seed harvesting, cleaning, storing, and seed starting.
We will also be hearing from one of our partners and supporters, including IERCD (Inland Empire Resource Conservation District) about all the great things they are doing in the community. Save the date for our next workshop on Jan 21st! Register below! It is open to all whether currently involved in a school or community garden or just interested in perhaps doing so! Also feel free to join and share upcoming events and activities at your community or school garden!
Attached Files: