San Bernardino County

4-H Headlines

May 2005 ♥ Vol. 9 ♥ No. 5


Cooperative Extension/4-H Office

777 E. Rialto Avenue, San Bernardino, CA 92415

Phone: (909) 387-2179 Fax: (909) 387-3306


Web: and

Southern Sectional 4-H Web: State 4-H Web:


Upcoming Events



May 14, 2005                 State Ambassador Interviews at UCR

May 7-15, 2005              San Bernardino County Fair

May 16, 2005                 All-Star Applications due to the County 4-H Office

May 21, 2005                 Sectional Field Day

May 28, 2005                 State Presentation Day

May 28-29, 2005            National Orange Show

June 4, 2005                  All-Star Selection Day

June 11, 2005                Nicole Peacock Memorial Horse Show – McCoy Equestrian Center

June 14, 2005               Calendaring/Budget Meeting – County Office 6:00 p.m.

June 12, 2005                Teen Council Meeting and Party 1:30-4:00




San Bernardino County 4-H Website


Visit and bookmark the new San Bernardino County 4-H Website at this website is maintained by John Trammell. You can find 4-H forms, information, the county calendar, and much, much, more. The website is being updated often. Be sure to check it out!



Congratulations to our new County Council Officers


At our May 3 County Council night we had elections for officers for the 2005-2006 Program Year.  I am pleased to announce the following results:


          President – Lyle Farmer

          Vice-President – Darlene Roethlisberger

          Secretary – Briana Sallows

          Policy Secretary – Gayle Champlin

          Treasurer – Steve Trammell

          Sergeant at Arms – John Trammell

          Valley Reporter – Kayla Pauwels

          Desert Reporter – Sarah Roethlisberger


We are excited that these individuals care enough about our County Council to volunteer their time to run the program.  I hope that this year will bring more attendance at our meetings so that everyone has a say in what happens with our County.



Calendaring/Budget Meeting


On June 14th at 6:30 p.m. at the county office we will have our Calendaring/Budget Meeting for the 2005/2006 Program Year.  Please submit to the county office any dates you need to have put on the calendar if you cannot attend this meeting.  It is important to have every club represented so we can have input from them.  





Legacy Applications Due


The Legacy Committee will be meeting in June. If you wish to turn in Legacy applications for financial help for the events listed below, they must be in the 4-H Office by June 1, 2005. Any applications received after June 1 will not be considered. You can fax them to (909) 387-3306, mail them to:  UCCE/4-H Office, 777 E. Rialto Ave. San Bernardino, CA 92415 or email them to The Legacy Grants have always been given on a reimbursement basis. Please do not count on the possibility of grant money when deciding if you can attend an event. Grants are given out according to the amount of applications and money that is available. Legacy Grant applications can be found on the 4-H website: or call the 4-H office at (909) 387-2179.


          California Focus   

          Washington Focus

          Summer Camp

          State Leadership Conference



Teen Council Meeting


The Teen Council will meet on Sun June 19th at Jennifer Radoi’s home for a Council Meeting/Swim & Pizza Party.  We will be electing new officers during the council meeting.  Please come and bring your bathing suit between 1:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.  If you need directions to the Radoi’s please call the 4-H office.



“4-H Headlines”


The 4-H Headlines newsletter will begin to be published bi-monthly starting with this issue.  We will try our hardest to get all the information in for two months at a time.  At such time that the 4-H Office gets additional help we will return to the monthly status.  It would help greatly if articles about events and news from clubs would be sent to the office either by mail, fax or email.  This way we are sure to get the information correct.


State Fair


A quick note to let everyone know that will have youth taking livestock to the 2005 California State Fair, the NEW DNA collection requirements and the deadline dates for requesting DNA testing kits has now been posted to the California State Fair website at Please ensure your 4-H youth that will be attending the fair are aware of this information and how to connect to the State Fair website.

Any questions, please e-mail at or call at (916) 263-3146 the California State Fair.



4-H Shooting Sports National Invitational

Missouri will once again host the 4-H Shooting Sports National Invitational on June 27-July 1, 2005 in Columbia, Missouri. The National 4-H Shooting Sports program committee invites all states to participate. Check out the National 4-H Shooting Sports website, where you can find links to the National 4-H Invitational, at:




JUNE 21-24

Horse camp applications are available. Please call the 4-H office for one. The space is limited. There will be 40 box stalls and two pipe corrals that are large enough for 2-3 horses each. If you have horses that can share one of the pipe corrals, please let us know so we have space for as many 4-Hers as possible.


Please be aware that there is construction going on around the barn area and the arenas. Ingall’s park is excited about us being there and would like to have us back every year. So, as we are listening to all the noise, just think about how nice it will be when it is all finished. If your horse does not like loud noises, please consider leaving him home and come as a horseless member instead. The 4-H area where we will be camping and eating is much quieter.


Please be aware it is quite a hike from the barn area to the 4-H camping area so we will be getting quite a bit of exercise! The bathrooms with showers are located about half way in between the barns and camping area.


Applications will be accepted in the order they are received. If all spaces fill, we will start a waiting list. You will be notified if you are placed on the waiting list. If a spot opens or if the park is willing to put up more corrals to accommodate the over-flow we will advise you. CAMP WILL FILL UP FAST, so please don’t delay in getting your application in.



                                      State Leadership Conference


Register for the 2005 California 4-H State Leadership Conference being held August 4-7, 2005 at UC Davis! Meet fellow high-school 4-H members from across the state in this four-day leadership conference. The conference will feature Matt Lohr and Cary Trivanovich as two energetic keynote speakers, along with educational your-in governance tracks and workshops. Discuss 4-H “hot topics” in small groups. During the evenings, enjoy a carnival, pool party, and dance. Registration costs $330. Plus transportation, and is due to your county 4-H office by June 24, 2005. For more information, visit the conference website at The 4-H office has applications. Please call for one.





    Train Rite

Service Dogs


Train Rite is a non-profit organization who trains dogs to be service dogs.  They are looking for 4-H youth who would be interested in taking puppies to raise.  Please visit their website at for more information or you can contact them at (760)602-1999.



Shooting Sports


Larry Winters of the High Desert Magic has attended the State Certification training to be a certified California 4-H Shooting Sports leader in the discipline of Shotgun.  We want to thank Larry for taking the time to be certified and run the Shooting Sports program for our county.



Results from the

Scottsdale Arabian Judging Contest


Congratulations to those who attended the Scottsdale Arabian Judging Contest.  The  team of Maloree McElvain, Sara Barnes, Katie Beaumont and Sarah Wilson competed in the 4-H/FFA division.  The results are as follows:

Halter classes:  2nd Place – Maloree McElvain, 6th Place – Sara Barnes, 9th Place –  Katie Beaumont     Overall – Second high team

Performance classes:  4th Place – Maloree McElvain, 5th Place Sara Barnes, 10th Place Katie Beaumont      Overall – Second high team

Reasons:  6th Place Maloree McElvain, 9th Place Sara Barnes     Overall – 3rd High Team

Overall:  1st Place – Maloree McElvain, 4th Place – Sara Barnes, 9th Place – Katie Beaumont     Overall – 1st High Team







 Operation Military Kid


The Army has set aside funds to help Army, Army Reserve, National Guard and Air Guard youth to join 4-H and become a part of their community.  If you know of any youth who fit in these categories, please contact the 4-H Office and let us know so we can let them know of the opportunities 4-H can give them.    





