Stuck at home? Now is a good time for this:

Mar 16, 2020


In light of current events, if you wish to disinfect rather than sanitize counters, doorknobs and such please read and follow the instructions here:  CDC current Corona virus cleaning and disinfection advice.



I subscribe to this blog that I can recommend highly: and another good post has come up:  A good time to clean out the pantry  Guess what it is about?

My pantry is currently a mess. I am staying at home as much as possible. I don't want to clean out my pantry BUT I REALLY need to clean out the pantry.

As a matter of fact, I could be piling pasta, cleaning cans, scrubbing shelves, prepping the pantry for a perfect plenitude of correctly counted cans, bags, bottle and tubs. And what am I doing? Finding all sorts of things to distract me from cleaning the pantry.  Like writing this post. . .

I will make a deal with myself:  an hour of pantry perfecting in return for an hour of web wonderment. . . Let's see if it works. . .

Y'all hang in there, try to stay home, and be good to others in need.

And clean that PANTRY!!  (wish me luck!)

By Lauria Watts
Author - Master Food Preserver