National Orange Show Citrus Fair--enter NOW

Apr 5, 2016

There is still time to enter the National Orange Show Citrus Fair this year!

Go here:  NOS Citrus Fair  then click on "Get Involved" then click on "Enter the NOS Citrus Fair Baking Contest"-- and you will be able to download a copy of the Citrus Fair's entry brochure for Baked goods AND Jams.

All you need is a jam  or soft spread that incorporates citrus into the recipe.Of course if it was a nice recipe that used citrus as a main ingredient, well, you might have a winner there . . .

They only have one entry as of today in the Jams Category, so go for it! Entering can help to keep the competition going and lively.

By L. Watts
Author - Master Food Preserver