Supporting our Military Youth @ Ft. Irwin

Feb 10, 2016

Hi everybody! Fort Irwin call me today as they have planned to make the 4-H National Youth Science Day (NYSD) Experiment next Wednesday  February 17th! I know this is such a late notice but it will be great if we could have some youth or adults coming with Stephanie and myself to facilitate the activity as they have 6 different locations where they do 4-H programming inside the base so each fo them will require a leader for the activity. This is the NYSD Instructional Video

Please mail me at if you or any youth/leader you know might be willing to help with this activity. We will meet at the office around 10:30 am and I believe we can be back to the offfice around 6:30 pm. I know is such a short notice but we always do our best to support our military youth!


By Claudia P. Diaz Carrasco
Author - 4-H Youth Development Advisor