Prepare for that Fair--Yew can Dew It!

Feb 2, 2016


Prepare for the Fair is proudly presented by the San Bernardino County Master Food Preservers:

What: Prepare for the Fair--learn about entering fair competitions.

When: Wednesday Feb. 10. (6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.)

Where:  County Demonstration Kitchen in the San Bernardino County General Services Building at 777 E. Rialto Ave, San Bernardino, CA 92415-0730.


Just think about it:  Have you visited a fair, looked at the Jams and Jellies and wondered how to enter?  Do you want to compete with a pickle or relish but don't know what it takes to be a contender?  Baked a great bread, and you want it to show?

You can find help at Prepare for the Fair, coming up this Saturday and next Wednesday.  Two dates give double the opportunity (Please see above). Information about fair competitions in canned goods AND baked goods will be covered.  Learn where to enter, how to enter, how to compete.

Prepare for the Fair can help explain entering and answer your questions about fair competitions. Entering the fair need not by a mystery any more.

We will go over categories of preserver foods and baked goods, differences between jams and jellies, marmalade and conserves, compare/contrast yeast breads and quick breads, talk about head space, cleanliness, rings, recipe selection for canned and baked goods, USDA process requirements, fair requirements, choosing recipes and other things.

Learn how it is done--and who knows, maybe this year you might just win!

Hope to see you there!

By L. Watts
Author - Master Food Preserver