Ocean Institute Overnight Trips for Summer 2017!

Jan 19, 2017

Ocean Institute Overnight Trips for Summer 2017!

Jan 19, 2017

The Ocean Institute has again offered their free overnight educational camping trip to our 4-H members for the summer of 2017. The “campers” will be spending the night in tents at a historic campsite on The Ranch property in Laguna Beach. Team building challenges, scientific explorations, crafts and beach time will be woven into this unforgettable experience. There is absolutely no cost to the participants. They are gearing the activities to 8-12 years old, but can be flexible with the ages. The times are to arrive at 3pm and leave for home at 10:30am the next morning. Each trip is limited to no more than 30, but we can schedule more than one trip if we have more than 30 attend. 4-H chaperone policies will apply regardless of the Ocean Institute's policy. 

If you are interested in attending, you must fill out this survey by Sunday, January 22nd so we can schedule our times with the Ocean Institute first thing Monday morning. We will pick the dates that allow the most of our members to attend. Please submit one survey per family and list all of the youth members in your family that will be attending. If a name is not included, there might not be enough spots for them to go. 


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By Stephanie L Barrett
Author - 4-H Regional Program Coordinator